Stop Enabling Predators Panel

Rebekah Modrak co-organized and spoke at Stop Pro­tect­ing Preda­tors: Sur­vivors Speak Up,  a forum addressing U-M’s fail­ures in pre­vent­ing and respond­ing to sex­ual mis­con­duct on cam­pus. The event on Sat­ur­day, Novem­ber 13, from 11 am to 1 pm centered around two panels: The first featured six sur­vivors of sex­ual mis­con­duct at U-M (Isabelle Brourman, Maya Crosman, Katherine McMahan, Jon Vaughn, Tad DeLuca and Chuck Christian), coming together to share experiences and describe the fail­ures of the uni­ver­sity in pro­tect­ing vic­tims, in their own words. In the second panel,  Modrak and other pol­icy-advo­cates described U‑M’s cur­rent sex­ual mis­con­duct poli­cies and what changes should be made to pro­tect the U‑M com­mu­nity, and to cen­ter the voices of sur­vivors.  The Michi­gan Daily cov­ered the event.

A recording of the event is available on YouTube.

Additional information about these cases:

Uni­ver­sity of Michi­gan lec­turer Bruce Con­forth was per­mit­ted to con­tinue teach­ing after a stu­dent filed a sex­ual harass­ment report in 2008. Eight years and seven vic­tims later, the Uni­ver­sity encour­aged Con­forth to retire, pre-empt­ing a full review into sev­eral new reports against him. Another sex­ual mis­con­duct case on U‑M’s cam­pus, involv­ing Dr. Robert Ander­son, may be the largest sex­ual vio­lence case in America’s his­tory with a reported 2100+ vic­tims; the Uni­ver­sity knew of the U‑M ath­letic doctor’s sex­ual mis­con­duct since the 1970s, but allowed Ander­son to work and abuse stu­dents until his retire­ment in 2003. There are addi­tional sto­ries of abuse beyond those of Con­forth and Ander­son. For, despite the Uni­ver­sity hail­ing them­selves as rad­i­cally improv­ing sex­ual mis­con­duct poli­cies, the admin­is­tra­tion con­tin­ues to fail to pro­vide action­able pro­ce­dures to pro­tect vic­tims, pros­e­cute preda­tors, and pre­vent future mis­con­duct at U‑M.