distant.gallery presents The Broken Timeline (TBT), a lineage of web-based curatorial projects that give insight into the discourse on digital art and its curation today. Curated by Annet Dekker, Marialaura Ghidini, and Gaia Tedone in collaboration with Valiz, the TBT made a small selection of our favourite projects that highlight the intricate socio-technicalities of the web. Following and subverting technical trends, and despite being often short-lived and thus lacking a historical memory, these projects present new ways of audience engagement, question the value of authorship, and open the possibility to reconfigure traditional models and methods for presenting, accessing, and distributing art. Thereby they are challenging established museum values and advancing alternative ways of understanding art stewardship, curatorial authority, and public access.
Participating artists: Rebecca Birch and Rob Smith, Damjanski, Emmanuel Guez and Zombectro, Sabine Hochrieser, Michael Kargl, Mary Meixner, Marialaura Ghidini and Rebekah Modrak, Martine Neddam, Chiara Passa, Nina Roehrs, Sakrowski, Sebastian Schmieg and Silvio Lorusso, Guido Segni and Matìas Ezequiel Reyes, Krystal South, Franz Thalmair, and Miyö Van Stenis.